The stefana - a very important wedding symbol in the greek weddings.
Check out the wedding crowns in Volos, Greece! You can find these beautiful ones at Alegro - Gift Store in Volos.
Stefania crowns are designed for Greek weddings all over Australia, USA, Canada, UK and Greece.
Stefana (Greek wedding crowns) symbolise the glory and honour that is being bestowed to the couple by God. The bride and groom are crowned as King and Queen of their home, which they will rule with wisdom, justice, and integrity. The ribbon joining the stefana symbolises unity. The ribbon that joins the two crowns should always remain intact for a lifetime as it represents the eternal bond between the bride and groom.
In the past, the stefana were placed right where the religious icons were kept to show that the marriage is as sacred as the church itself. It is also believed that like the other religious icons of Saints that it would protect the family.
Crowns or "stefanas" have several symbols: first of all, it is a "royal" symbol. With marriage, a new "kingdom" is created: the home and family of the newlyweds. They also represent victory: the bride and groom are rewarded for "standing firm" in their pre-marriage life and for "resisting temptation". Finally, they designate the "way of the cross" and the difficulties that the spouses will encounter in their new life.