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The Olive Harvest in Greece

Olive trees and olive oil are featured in the first and last books of the Bible.

In the book of Genesis, in the story of Noah’s Ark and the great flood which covered the whole earth, olives are mentioned. After the forty days and nights of rain came to an end, Noah tried to find out whether the flood was abating. So “He sent forth the dove out of the ark; and the dove came in to him in the evening; and lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off; so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth” (Genesis, ch 8, verse 10-11).

Coming to #fullcircle ️At 18 I was a #kibbutzvolunteer & one of my jobs was to put #oliveoil in #oliveoilbottles - Here in #greece #theoliveharvestseason is in #november - Most olives are harvested starting in #november , just as the fruit turns from #greenish to #purpleblack - The Best Time to pick is when the fruit is #threequartersblack - #greekolives are #handpicked , a job that requires the participation of the whole extended family - #greece is the only country in the #europeanunion that gives #publicemployees #publicofficials special leave for the #oliveharvest - #photodiary2021 #photobyme@millarolleiflexphotos #olivepicking #olivetree #oliveto #olivegarden #loveolives #oliveslover#olivegarden #spritualgangster #findingmyself #spritualadventure #visitgreece #exploregreece #greeceisawesome #greecelifestyle #volos_photographers #greecephotographer #nycphotographer #olivepickingseason #olivesfromgreece #greekolives #olivescommunity



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