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Ron Galella, the photographer known for chasing celebrities, has died. Ci Vediamo Ron!

"RIP legendary photographer Ron Galella. From the streets of New York to the fashion front rows to the Met Gala, he captured life like no other! His photos will always be a huge inspiration to me." Michael Kors.

So devastated #aboutyesterday We just lost an amazing #americanphotographer the beloved @ron_galella#rongalella - a great #mentor a #photographymentor - I spoke to my ex who told me that he died peacefully in his sleep #lastsaturday - Until his very last hours he was doing what he loved the most in life, sharing his work. The #funeralservice will be held on #thursday️ at 10:00 am at @stpatrickcathedral#stpatrickcathedralnyc - I will always remember helping him at #wireimage with his #digitalcards - Thank you @parkyleemedia#parkylee for training me #fashionweeknyc - #photodiary2022#photobyme@millarolleiflexphotos#neverstopneverquit#americanphotographer#kingofpaparazzi#paparazzi#paparazzistyle#newyorkphotographer#volos_photographers#greecephotographer#parisphotographer#italyphotographer#miamiphotographers#ibizaphotographer#tuscanyphotographer#baliphotographer#brazilphotographers



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