Reminiscing "A Tale Of Wind".
In The New York Times, Caryn James wrote: "Shot between 1984 and 1988, the film is dominated by the presence of Ivens, then in his late 80's. ... A Tale of the Wind, with its scenes of dreams, dramatized myths and real life, suggests the way this old man's creativity is bound to the natural landscapes, cultural images and personal memories that flow through the film." Trying to define the film, James wrote: "At a press conference the other day, Miss Loridan said that she and Ivens were working in a 'no man's land between Lumiere and Melies', between the two great early film makers who defined realism and fantasy. There is no better description of the place they map out beautifully in A Tale of the Wind. Its elliptical narrative will not appeal to every taste, but this is an eloquent last word from an important artist.

Photo by Milla Agai