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Join The #WeRemember Campaign!

"Those who deny Auschwitz would be ready to remake it." #holocaustsurvivor #primolevi

#shabbatshalom from #greece - Yesterday was #internationalholocaustremembranceday - This date was specifically chosen by the @unitednations#unitednations because #auschwitz was liberated on #january27th 1945 - A total of six millions Jews, including 1.5 million children, were killed by the #naziregime & its allies & collaborators between 1933 and 1945. An estimated 350, 000 #holocaustsurvivors are alive today. "Those who kept silent yesterday will remain silent tomorrow." #eliewieselquote - #neverbesilent#stopantisemitismnow - #neverforget#neveragainisnow#weremember#holocaust#jewishhistory#jewishhistorymonth By learning from the past, we can build a better future. @worldjewishcongress#worldjewishcongress#january2022#photobyme@millarolleiflexphotos#neverstopneverquit#fromtheworldwithlove#volos_photographers#volosphotographers#greecephotographer#miamiphotographers#nycphotographer#cannesphotographer #parisphotographers

What Can You Do To Ensure That The Lessons Of The Holocaust Are Not Forgotten?

Write “We Remember” on a sheet of paper

Take a photo holding your sign

Share your photo on social media using #WeRemember

About The #WeRemember Campaign

When the we started the #WeRemember Campaign several years ago, we asked people worldwide world to carry out a simple, yet meaningful task: Write the words “We Remember” on a sheet of paper, take a picture holding the sign, and post it to social media using the hashtag #WeRemember. The response was overwhelming.



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