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Join The Chorus!

Home is not a safe place for everyone. NO MORE, together with the Commonwealth Secretariat and GentleForces, asks you to #JoinTheChorus to end domestic and sexual violence.

"I feel on edge the whole time and want to run away." @womens_aid #womensaid #april2020 The Impact of Covid-19 on survivors April 2020 - Women's Rights are Human Rights! Yesterday #december10th was #humanrightsday & the last day of #16days of activism against gender-based violence. Women's rights & human rights are inseparable. "We cannot achieve the Global Goals unless we reach gender equality, and it's more important than ever that everyone, regardless of their gender, stands up for the rights of women and girls every single day." By @theglobalgoals #theglobalgoals - #16days#16daysofactivism#womenrightsarehumanrights#genderequalityforall - Thank you NO MORE] #nomoreorg & @avonworldwide#avonworldwide We have to #stopverbalabuse & all forms of #domesticabuse - #nomore - #jointhechorus#stopdomesticviolence#stopsexualassault#stopsexualviolence#nomoreverbalabuse "The early signs of an abusive relationship can be subtle. Abusers are manipulative and know when to stop their abuse to trap victims. #JoinTheChorus and learn the red flags of abuse to help identify, prevent, and end domestic violence." By NO MORE] #dvam Did you know that 1 in 5 women are consistently subjected to verbal abuse by a partner? #photodiary2021#photobyme@millarolleiflexphotos#autoportrait#autoportraitphotography#anotherselfie#alwayssmile#speakout & say #nomoreverbalabuse



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